Thursday, 30 January 2014

scientific reasearch

I am now going to talk about how these rubber ducks have helped us in scientific research. The ducks have help oceanographers examine the ocean currents and see how long it takes to travell from place to place from where the ducks fell overboard. Scientists can study the currents in a diffrent way than any other as they have floaties to follow and because these ducks are made of durable plastic and are watertight they have survived extreme weather conditions. A retired oceanographer named Curtis Ebbesmeyer studied the journey they took from the night he heard they hit the ocean waters. Mr Ebbesmeyer saw how valuable the little toys would be to scientific research of the great ocean currents and the worlds climate change. Mr Ebbesmeyer said the toys will be easy for British beach board combers to spot because they have largely faded to white and have the words "The First Years" stamped upon them. It is said that they move a mile a day, they were so important that the American government offered $50.00 for each one someone finds.

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